Discover how to win more business from the 81% of people who conduct online research before making a major purchase such as building or remodeling a home...
About Joe's full presentation (1 of 20 included in the Construction Industry Success Summit)...
In just 44-minutes, Joe Hughes (CEO of Contractor Dynamics) shows you how to differentiate your company, online, in a way that truly matters to prospective clients. In this valuable session, Joe covers topics such as:
Mobile-friendly online coaching sessions (45 minutes up to 2+ hours each) can be watched from home or office via computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. You can even listen while you're on the road...
Each of our 20 Construction Industry Success Summit business experts shares incredibly valuable tips, techniques, and methodologies about how to run your company more effectively, more efficiently, and more profitably.
Don't miss out on this online business growth and enhancement series (available 24/7) that's been designed especially for construction professionals!
More than 20 hours of incredible information at an amazingly low cost per hour!